Life is a Journey from Nowhere to NOW HERE 👣 

06 May

Each minute of our life is a lesson but most of us fail to read it. I thought I would just add my daily lessons & the lessons that I learned by seeing the people around here. So it may be useful for you and as memories for me.

Life is a journey with many ups and downs, twists and turns, joys and heartaches. When the down times and heartaches come, you need to remember they are not your final destination–they are just part of the journey.

Life can be a rocky road; the challenge is not to let it grind you into dust, but to polish you into brilliant gem. Everybody can add that little space in their life to NOWHERE and make NOW HERE!

Life is complex. Each one of us must make his own path through life. There are no self-help manuals, no formulas, no easy answers. The right road for one is the wrong road for another…The journey of life is not paved in blacktop; it is not brightly lit, and it has no road signs. It is a rocky path through the wilderness.

Life is unpredictable, and it can be both beautiful and unkind at the same time. While some people seem to have a relatively smooth ride, others experience life’s unkindness on a more regular basis. From physical and emotional pain to financial difficulties and relationship troubles, life can be tough for many people.

Life can be very unkind for following reasons!

If you’re not popular, you want fame.

If you’re popular, you want privacy.

If you are poor, you need money.

If you are rich you realize that there is still a lack of happiness in your life. You just want to live a simple life.

Life becomes stressful if you are intelligent because you are not able to ignore anything.

If you’re clumsy, you make mistakes because of your ignorant behavior.

If you’re single, you want a relationship.

If you’re in a relationship, you want some space and freedom.

If you’re not a powerful person, you feel like people dominate you.

If you are a powerful person, you realize that you have to handle all the responsibilities. And it’s hard to identify who really loves you and who’s pretending.

Life can be very unkind to some people, sometimes as a result of circumstances beyond their control such as natural disasters, illness, loss of loved ones or accidents. Other times, unkindness can stem from intentional actions of others such as abuse, bullying, discrimination, or injustice. It’s also important to note that some people may face multiple challenges and hardships, making their experiences of life even more difficult.

It’s important to remember that we are not alone in our struggles and to seek help from friends, family, or professionals when needed. By finding ways to cope and overcome our challenges, we can emerge stronger and wiser.

Everybody can add that little space in their life to NOWHERE and make NOW HERE!
It doesn’t matter where did you start..
or how old or how young you are.
or how much or how little money you have.
or what your current job is or where you work.
or how big or small your mortgage is.
or do you possess luxurious cars or commute by bicycle.
or in which country you live.
The only thing that matters in Where you are going to End and How.

However, it’s also worth mentioning that life can also be full of kindness and generosity, and many people experience love, support, and positive experiences despite facing challenges. It’s important to remember that every person’s journey is unique, and no one’s life can be reduced to a single adjective such as “unkind.

Life is never perfect. Every solution brings a new problem. Light exists because of darkness and this is the bitter truth of life. Acceptance is the only solution.

If you will keep moving through your hardships, one day and one step at a time, you will, someday soon, look back and realize the difference between “nowhere” and “now here” was just a little space! Nowhere is cared by no one, but Now Here can command the world.

Please feel free to share your story and any lessons you learned, you experienced, you came across in your life in the comments below. If you enjoyed this, or any other other posts, I’d be honored if you’d share it with your family, friends and followers!

The key is to stay focused and work hard towards achieving your goals.
Good luck!

If you wanna share your experiences, you can find me online in all your favorite places  LinkedIn and Facebook. Shoot me a DM, a tweet, a comment, or whatever works best for you. I’ll be the one trying to figure out how to read books and get better at playing ping pong at the same time.

Source:, Abhishek Ambad, Farrukh Shaikh


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