Tag Archives: Life is short

Do You Maintain a Healthy Work Environment?

Each minute of our life is a lesson but most of us fail to read it. I thought I would just add my daily lessons & the lessons that I learned by seeing the people around here. So it may be useful for you and as memories for me.

As a Leader Are you cultivating a positive work environment for your team’s success?

In 21st century, Leaders have more responsibility to create environments where dignity, integrity, honesty, and compassion are keystones of the workplace. A healthy leader is one who understands the importance of their team members’ emotional well-being.

In a leadership position, it’s your responsibility to listen to what your team needs for a healthy workplace environment. Employees are, after all, the heart of the company and the best ambassadors for your brand. Taking care of the office environment will not only improve the overall mood at work, but will increase employee loyalty, work productivity, and team relationships.

Employees’ mental health is likely only to worsen with the present tumultuous economic climate and the drastically changing 21st century workplace. As employees reckon with this, employers may be faced with more employees going on medical leaves or resigning altogether. Having strong mental health support system, may be vital for businesses to grow and thrive and may enable them to attract top talent and retain productive workers.

As a Leader its your responsibility to create a Healthy work environment, where your employees can contribute towards the success of the team and organisation.The mental health and wellbeing of your employees should be a priority for any company. In order for your employees to be happy and successful within your company, it’s important for you to demonstrate how much your care and that the support is there!

Mental health at work refers to the psychological well-being of employees in their work environment. It includes factors such as job satisfaction, work-related stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues that can arise from work-related pressures and demands.

Like chronic diseases, mental health disorders are treatable, and employers can use comprehensive strategies to cultivate supportive work environments.

The health and wellbeing of your employees should always be a priority in your workplace, make sure that you implement some of the strategies mentioned to keep your employees happy and healthy! Employers need to be more aware of their employee’s feelings than ever before and offer support and guidance to their employees. 

Several factors contribute to poor mental health in the workplace, which can lead to high turnover and a reduction in productivity for a business. These risk factors typically include the workplace structure, interactions at work, how managers function, and the availability of support.

  • Bullying and harassment: A healthy workplace should be void of any mistreatment and hostility.6
  • Micromanagement: 70% of employees who experienced micromanagement considered quitting their jobs.
  • Lack of resources: It is challenging to succeed at work without proper support from a company and its managers.
  • Silence regarding mental health issues: Employees may feel like they need to hide their mental illness when a company exhibits a discriminatory or toxic culture.
  • Inflexible hours and time off: A lack of flexibility can negatively impact employees’ mental wellbeing.
  • Unclear responsibilities and expectations: When expectations aren’t clear, employees are more likely to make mistakes and receive ridicule. This issue can be hard to address, especially when there is a lack of effective communication.
  • Unreasonable expectations: When employees are given tasks that do not align with their experience and training, this can set them up for failure.
  • Poor work-life balance: Employees who are unable to create separation between their profession and personal life are more likely to experience burnout and a lack of productivity.

Post Covid-19, Mental health at work is important for several reasons. Firstly, it affects the overall well-being and productivity of employees, as well as their job satisfaction and engagement. Secondly, it can impact the performance and success of the organization, as employees who are struggling with mental health issues may have difficulty concentrating, making decisions, and working effectively with others.

However, organisations looking to address mental health issues in their workplaces must first assess the culture and leadership team. Having the right culture and a supportive leadership team are key factors to drive an effective and more positive work environment. Therefore, organisations need to coach their leaders on reinforcing an empathetic and more inclusive culture to encourage employees’ mental wellness, sense of relevance and optimal productivity at work.

Employers have a responsibility to create a healthy and supportive work environment that promotes good mental health. This can be achieved through a range of strategies, including providing mental health resources and support for employees, promoting work-life balance, fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture, and addressing workplace stressors and other factors that can contribute to poor mental health.

Employees also have a role to play in maintaining their own mental health at work. This can include seeking support when needed, setting boundaries to maintain work-life balance, and practicing self-care strategies such as mindfulness, exercise, and social connection.

To support mental health at work, employers can take a number of steps, including:

  1. Creating a positive and inclusive work culture that prioritizes mental health and well-being.
  2. Encouraging open communication and providing opportunities for employees to share their experiences and concerns. Involve employees in decision making and encourage participation
  3. Offering flexible working arrangements and encourgae Hybrid work culture
  4. Educating managers and employees about mental health and how to support those who may be struggling.
  5. Be aware of the existing environment and how it can be altered to promote mental health in the workplace
  6. Learn from leaders and employees who have taken action to create a healthier workplace
  7. Utilize tools that other companies have used to promote mental health
  8. Understand that different employees may have different needs
  9. Take advantage of resources and support for employees who are struggling
  10. Implement and enforce health and safety policies, which includes identifying distress, substance abuse disorders, and illness
  11. Provide resources to manage employees who experience mental health issues and inform them that this is available
  12. Incorporate practices that support a healthy work-life balance
  13. Recognize and reward employees for their contributions

With the right strategies, you can address your mental health issues and get back on track with your overall well-being. No matter how long you’ve been ignoring your mental health, the time to dedicate to your recovery is now.

The only way to enjoy life to the fullest and experience all its wonders is if we take care of ourselves, mentally and physically. Times have changed and more and more people are changing their outlook on mental illness. However, we have a long way to go. Supporting your company’s business goals and supporting your employees’ mental health needs are not different outcomes. As you know, culture eats strategy for lunch. By investing in healthy work culture, you are supporting your employees while also addressing the bottom line.


A positive workplace is more successful over time because it increases positive emotions and well-being. This, in turn, improves the relationship of team members and amplifies their abilities and their creativity. This type of workplace environment is a buffer against negative experiences such as stress, thus improving staff’s resiliency to bounce back from challenges and difficulties while bolstering their overall health. It has the added benefit of attracting employees, making them more loyal to the team and to the organization as well as bringing out their strengths. When organizations develop positive cultures, they achieve significantly higher levels of organizational effectiveness — including customer satisfaction, productivity, and employee engagement. That’s a sure recipe for success. Give it a try and be the leader who inspires others.

Don’t wait another day or another week or another month. You don’t need to be dealing with this anymore. It’s time to take back control of your thoughts and emotions, and start living a happy and fulfilling life.

If you are experiencing a mental illness that you have not yet sought treatment for, it is crucial to ask for help right away. You are not alone, and there are various mental health professionals who can help you live a happier life, even in these unprecedented times.

If you wanna share your experiences, you can find me online in all your favorite places  LinkedIn and Facebook. Shoot me a DM, a tweet, a comment, or whatever works best for you. I’ll be the one trying to figure out how to read books and get better at playing ping pong at the same time.


Mental Health In The Workplace: A Look At Leaders’ Top Priorities

Mental Health in the Workplace During COVID-19 How Can Employers Help?

Mental Health in the Workplace.

Ultimate guide for mental health in the workplace

What Makes a Healthy Work Environment:


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Life is a Journey from Nowhere to NOW HERE 👣 

Each minute of our life is a lesson but most of us fail to read it. I thought I would just add my daily lessons & the lessons that I learned by seeing the people around here. So it may be useful for you and as memories for me.

Life is a journey with many ups and downs, twists and turns, joys and heartaches. When the down times and heartaches come, you need to remember they are not your final destination–they are just part of the journey.

Life can be a rocky road; the challenge is not to let it grind you into dust, but to polish you into brilliant gem. Everybody can add that little space in their life to NOWHERE and make NOW HERE!

Life is complex. Each one of us must make his own path through life. There are no self-help manuals, no formulas, no easy answers. The right road for one is the wrong road for another…The journey of life is not paved in blacktop; it is not brightly lit, and it has no road signs. It is a rocky path through the wilderness.

Life is unpredictable, and it can be both beautiful and unkind at the same time. While some people seem to have a relatively smooth ride, others experience life’s unkindness on a more regular basis. From physical and emotional pain to financial difficulties and relationship troubles, life can be tough for many people.

Life can be very unkind for following reasons!

If you’re not popular, you want fame.

If you’re popular, you want privacy.

If you are poor, you need money.

If you are rich you realize that there is still a lack of happiness in your life. You just want to live a simple life.

Life becomes stressful if you are intelligent because you are not able to ignore anything.

If you’re clumsy, you make mistakes because of your ignorant behavior.

If you’re single, you want a relationship.

If you’re in a relationship, you want some space and freedom.

If you’re not a powerful person, you feel like people dominate you.

If you are a powerful person, you realize that you have to handle all the responsibilities. And it’s hard to identify who really loves you and who’s pretending.

Life can be very unkind to some people, sometimes as a result of circumstances beyond their control such as natural disasters, illness, loss of loved ones or accidents. Other times, unkindness can stem from intentional actions of others such as abuse, bullying, discrimination, or injustice. It’s also important to note that some people may face multiple challenges and hardships, making their experiences of life even more difficult.

It’s important to remember that we are not alone in our struggles and to seek help from friends, family, or professionals when needed. By finding ways to cope and overcome our challenges, we can emerge stronger and wiser.

Everybody can add that little space in their life to NOWHERE and make NOW HERE!
It doesn’t matter where did you start..
or how old or how young you are.
or how much or how little money you have.
or what your current job is or where you work.
or how big or small your mortgage is.
or do you possess luxurious cars or commute by bicycle.
or in which country you live.
The only thing that matters in Where you are going to End and How.

However, it’s also worth mentioning that life can also be full of kindness and generosity, and many people experience love, support, and positive experiences despite facing challenges. It’s important to remember that every person’s journey is unique, and no one’s life can be reduced to a single adjective such as “unkind.

Life is never perfect. Every solution brings a new problem. Light exists because of darkness and this is the bitter truth of life. Acceptance is the only solution.

If you will keep moving through your hardships, one day and one step at a time, you will, someday soon, look back and realize the difference between “nowhere” and “now here” was just a little space! Nowhere is cared by no one, but Now Here can command the world.

Please feel free to share your story and any lessons you learned, you experienced, you came across in your life in the comments below. If you enjoyed this, or any other other posts, I’d be honored if you’d share it with your family, friends and followers!

The key is to stay focused and work hard towards achieving your goals.
Good luck!

If you wanna share your experiences, you can find me online in all your favorite places  LinkedIn and Facebook. Shoot me a DM, a tweet, a comment, or whatever works best for you. I’ll be the one trying to figure out how to read books and get better at playing ping pong at the same time.

Source:, Abhishek Ambad, Farrukh Shaikh


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Disappear for 90 days and set yourself 10 years ahead

Each minute of our life is a lesson but most of us fail to read it. I thought I would just add my daily lessons & the lessons that I learned by seeing the people around here. So it may be useful for you and as memories for me.

The concept of “Disappearing for 90 Days” is associated with taking a break from daily routines to reflect and recharge.
Here are some primary decisions you need to consider to come out of the crowd and make the difference:

1. Develop a routine. Sleep at 9:00 PM and be awake at 4.00 AM every day.

2. Spend 60-minutes of your day reading ,writing, and internalizing what you understand.

3. Be willing to let go of friendships that don’t serve you. If you hangout with losers, you become a loser.

4. Master the art of self-discipline. Get up early, work long hours, and face your problems head on.

5. Learn a high-income skill that’ll earn you $10k+ per month.

6. Stop chasing cheap dopamine. Prioritize what’s important over pleasure.

7. Hit at least 100 push ups and 80 squats per day to stay strong. You’ll also be healthier than 97% of people.

8. Build self-discipline by taking one cold shower in the morning.

9. Make the internet a source of your income. There’re endless possibilities for making money.

10. Take 100% responsibility for your life and never blame circumstances or anyone.

11. Include proteins, fresh fruits, and 3L of water in your daily diet to optimize your health.

12. Hang out with people who obsess over making moves and living a good life. Your circle should not gossip, complain, or get jealous of each other.

13. Invest in a good wardrobe, a good niche fragrance, and learn how to talk. You’ll boost your success rate by 94%.

14. Befriend nature, walk 5000 steps per day to clear your mind, boost your mood and get creative.

15. Keep distance from people who only prioritize their needs over yours. They’re your greatest setback.

16. Be smart enough to quit weed, p*orn, and alcohol. They’re the worst distraction that’ll raise your dopamine, make you dumb, and depressed.

By incorporating these activities into your 90 days of “disappearing,” you can get 10 years ahead in your personal and professional life.

My Life literally changed when I changed the way I looked at this world. It all comes down to an Unbreakable Mindset… in short THE CHAD MINDSET Grab your copy to permanently alter the way you think and become a CHAD here:

The key is to stay focused and dedicated to your goals.
Good luck!

If you wanna share your experiences, you can find me online in all your favorite places  LinkedIn and Facebook. Shoot me a DM, a tweet, a comment, or whatever works best for you. I’ll be the one trying to figure out how to read books and get better at playing ping pong at the same time.


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The year 2022 isn’t over yet. End on a high note

Each minute of our life is a lesson but most of us fail to read it. I thought I would just add my daily lessons & the lessons that I learned by seeing the people around here. So it may be useful for you and as memories for me.

As we approach the end of the year and plan for a new one to begin, most of us enter a phase of reflection. We assess the goals we set to achieve throughout the year. We look at the highs and lows we faced over the past months. We see the things we did do, what we never had a chance to do, and the things that happened organically that we never expected.

The year 2022 was supposed to be a great year. It is the first first full year after Covid Pandemic.This year has been one, never-ending road. It’s had some straights and has been filled with hairpin bends, but the final corner is coming up.

Do a quick year-end review.

Write down everything that went right with your year. There were probably some good moments. Highlighting them can help you package 2022 up and swiftly move on.

Maybe you graduated, landed a new/better job, welcomed a baby into the world, adopted a new pet, or quit a bad habit. Those are all amazing victories! Celebrate them! Take yourself out on a date, buy yourself something pretty, or do a little victory dance in your living room.

I just want you to look back over the last year and think about three things that people smarter than me have been thinking about for decades: What do I want to start doing? What do I want to stop doing? What do I want to keep doing? As you reflect on the year, what’s something new you want to try? What’s something old you want to stop? What’s something great you want to keep doing?

Don’t beat yourself up.

 You might have set ambitious goals for yourself at the start of the year that you now realize you’re not close to reaching as the year comes to a close. Hey, it’s okay! We can’t always reach every single goal we set for ourselves.

Assess why you didn’t reach your goal(s). Maybe you needed more time? If so, extend it as a resolution for next year! Maybe it was too ambitious? If yes, consider adjusting it to be a more realistic goal.

There’s no need to harp on yourself for failing at something. Failure does not define you. It’s part of life. Learn from it, grow from it, and move forward.

Make Adjustments, If Needed

As you reassess your goals, adjust them if it makes sense. Try to ensure all goals are SMART : Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time specific. If you decide to be a little bolder with your goal setting, also be realistic about what you can do well—or at all—given the time you have between now and year-end.

If overwhelm starts to occur, take it down a notch by asking yourself and a trusted colleague “If this goal is going to happen by year end, how can I most easily make that happen?” By talking through the solution with someone else, you may be able to find solutions that would not have come up otherwise.

End the year with generosity

One of my goals is to be as generous as the portions of fries they give you at Five Guys. Have you ever ordered their fries? That cup overfloweth! Sometimes, in the midst of a busy year, I’ve overlooked opportunities to be both grateful and generous.

As I review the last 12 months, I always discover reasons to be grateful. I notice good things that I missed the first time around because I was hustling so fast. This gratefulness then tends to turn into generosity, as I look for new ways to pass on the gifts that have been passed on to me.

Gratefulness changes me. Generosity changes the world.

Ask a friend one small question.

The end of the year can be stressful for a lot of people. There’s family drama, year-end work projects, holiday expectations, and a swirl of other emotions stacked into this season. Reach out to one friend and ask this question: “Is there anything you need?”

Why does asking this question matter? Because when you ask someone what they need, they become visible and valuable. That’s what everyone in your life wants to know. “Do you see me? Do I matter?” A little question like that can have a significant impact, especially after a stressful year. Crisis magnifies kindness. The small things you do for your relationships this season are worth 100 times what they were two years ago because we’ve all been so isolated. Ask that one small question and then don’t be surprised if it leads to a big conversation.

Get Clear On What You Will STOP Doing

As you are put together a clear plan to reach your goals, be as clear about what you will stop doing as what you will start doing…especially if you have a tendency to try and do too much!

Remember Your Self-Care

For peak performance as you end the year, schedule planned rest periods. “All work and no play is not the true champion’s way.”

Unless you stay physically and mentally strong through year end, achieving your goals won’t mean much. And stress can derail even the best of efforts and intentions.

But, Don’t Forget to Have Fun

By refocusing your efforts, you may be able to achieve significant progress on a couple of key initiatives, rather than finishing the year with a stack of unfinished business. It will make the end of the year a time for celebration, rather than a calm environment before a chaotic return to work.

With all of that being said, perhaps the best way to end the year is to celebrate. Although there isn’t much to celebrate, there is joy in knowing this awful year is coming to an end.

Set the Stage for Next Year

As long as you live, there will always be a next year to do things differently. A new chapter. A new blank canvas to draw on.

Whatever metaphor works for you, own it and make it yours. Learn from this year and turn your disappointments into action items to take into the new year.

We don’t have to own the negatives or carry them with us any longer. If something doesn’t serve you, set it free. Vow to make next year better in whatever way(s) you can. Create a plan that is actionable and realistic. Even if you end up straying from it, it’s better to create a road map that you can aim for and hope for the best.

Focus on the four components every great goal requires.

The goal nerd in me can’t help it. I can’t end this list without giving you a set of specific tools. Goals are not complex. They always involve the same four components: results, actions, time, and motivation.

Results are what you flirted with in item number four on our list. What do you want to accomplish? Actions are the physical steps you’ll take to make those results happen. What will you do? Time is everything from the deadline you pick to finish your results to the hours you plan to invest. Motivation is the fuel, fire, passion, or drive that will keep you going way beyond January 1. Most people are okay at dreaming about results but neglect the other three. We’re not most people though. We finish this last year strong and start the new one even better!

Make actionable goals for the new year on the things that you did not follow through with. Set new goals and achieve them in the coming months. Life is a journey, not a checklist. You can’t do everything or be everything all at once. Take it day-by-day.

“If you’re not working hard, ideas don’t matter. The best idea is worthless without execution.

If you’re already working hard, ideas are crucial. Most effort is wasted on mediocre ideas.”

Don’t over-improve your weaknesses. If you’re not good at something, work on it until it no longer prevents your progress, but the bulk of your time is better spent maximizing your strengths.

You’ll see the progress unfolding as time goes by. Trust me, your year was not as horrible as you think it was. End it on a high note!

I hope you had a wonderful 2022. It’s not over yet though — you’ve still got a chance to finish strong. When you do, let me know how it went. Hopefully, your end of year reflection is full of positives, even among the negatives. You can find me online in all your favorite places  LinkedIn and Facebook. Shoot me a DM, a tweet, a comment, or whatever works best for you. I’ll be the one trying to figure out how to read books and get better at playing ping pong at the same time.

Finish strong by giving a year-end gift to help kids and change the world through generosity Give a Gift. Change a Life.


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The Mexican Fisherman Story – What really Matters in Life?

Each minute of our life is a lesson but most of us fail to read it. I thought I would just add my daily lessons & the lessons that I learned by seeing the people around here. So it may be useful for you and as memories for me.

This Small Story Of ‘ Life Of A Fisherman’ Tells Us The Importance Of Hard Work & How To Live A meaningful Life Beating All Odds!

The short story of The Mexican Fisherman was originally told by Heinrich Böll about an encounter between a tourist and a small fisherman on a European coast.

It’s one of my favorite stories – The Parable of The Mexican Fisherman. It’s short, fun, and packs an important message.

I remember first hearing this inspiring story when I was in my “dream school i.e. Noble Public School, Andhra Pradesh, India in 1990s”. I shared the story with my students to encourage them to keep perspective about pursuing what makes them most passionate in life … and why.

The more I shared this story with others, the more I realized how much perspective I had lost myself. Soon thereafter, I moved away from my school to pursue higher studies and then I continued to share that inspiring and meaningful story till date. A lot of people thought I was crazy.

Here is the story…

A tourist went to Mexico and praised the local fishermen for the quality of their fish and then asked them?
How much time do you need to catch it? And the fishermen answered him in one voice:
“Not long”
He asked them: Why don’t you spend more time and fish more?
The fishermen made it clear that their little catch would suffice their needs and the needs of their families!
He asked them: But what do you do in the rest of your time?
They answered:
We sleep late..
We fish a little…
We play with our children.
We eat with our wives.
And in the evening we visit our friends..
We have fun, laugh and chant some songs
The tourist interrupted:
I have an MBA from Harvard University and I can help you!
You have to start fishing for long periods every day..and then sell the extra fish for a bigger return
And buy a bigger fishing boat 00
They asked him: Then what?
He replied: With the big boat and the extra money..
You can buy a second and third boat, and so on until you have an integrated fleet of fishing vessels,
Instead of selling your catch to an intermediary, you will negotiate directly with the factories, and perhaps you will also open your own factory,
And you will be able to leave this village and move to Mexico, the capital, or Los Angeles or even New York!
From there you will be able to start your giant projects
The fishermen asked the tourist:
How much time will we need to achieve this?
He replied: About twenty or maybe twenty-five year
They asked him: What next?
He replied with a smile: When your business grows, you will speculate in stocks and win millions 00
They asked him in amazement:
Millions? Oh really ?
And what will we do after that?
Then you can retire
And live quietly in a village on the coast, sleep late..
You play with your children.
And you eat with your wives.
And spend the nights enjoying with friends.
The fishermen answered
With all due respect and appreciation
But that’s exactly what we’re doing now,
So, what is the logic for which we waste twenty-five years of misery?

I love this simple parable. So, what does this story mean for you?

It brings clarity to what the money game is all about… and definitely not about.

It brilliantly illustrates the illusions we so easily fall into when pursuing wealth and financial freedom. It’s far too easy to build incessantly and forget the end game is happiness and a fulfilling life.

It’s equally easy to forget all the goodness we’re surrounded by today.

The truth is, it doesn’t take a lot of money to have a truly wealthy life, but it does take freedom.

So here are some questions for you to ponder as you develop your own life plans for financial freedom:

  • What does financial freedom mean to you? How will it change your life?
  • What do you really need to be happy and fulfilled?
  • How much money do you need to retire?
  • Would a simpler life allow you to retire sooner?
  • What’s the price you pay for simplicity? Complexity?
  • If you died tomorrow, what unfulfilled dreams would you regret having never lived?
  • What’s keeping you from living those dreams today?

While it may be a source or importance, power, and prestige to build what is analogous to a large fishing empire, you need to ask yourself what the end goal of all this is in the first place. Is there a quicker route to your goal? Is there a way that you can take the journey to success and enjoy the fruits of success along the way? How can you strategize this to live a happier, fuller life each and every day (or at least as much as possible)?

Is there something you can simplify in your life today to enjoy some of the reward you may be working so hard to earn? What matters most in your life? Have you lost sight of it while chasing down other goals? Have you become distracted?

Give yourself the gift of a few minutes to drop everything and ponder on this concept and these questions. Pausing and taking a few moments right now may set your life on a trajectory toward a brighter and happier future.

I love you. Thank you for letting me share this inspirational story with you. Please come back for more.

Please feel free to share your story and any lessons you learned, experienced, you came across in your life in the comments below. If you enjoyed this or any other posts, I’d be honored if you’d share them with your family, friends, and followers!

If you wish to follow my journey outside of my writing, you can find me on LinkedIn and Facebook


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Each minute of our life is a lesson but most of us fail to read it. I thought I would just add my daily lessons & the lessons that I learned by seeing the people around here. So it may be useful for you and as memories for me.

We all have two lives, the second one begins when we realize that we only have one.

“When something bad happens, you have three choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.” -Dr. Seuss

Life is not an easy journey for anyone. It is easy when you understand happenings in life. There will always be times in your life when you feel stuck and may need to learn how to reinvent yourself. This could come when you experience a big change, such as leaving your job, ending a relationship, moving to a new home, or losing a loved one. If you are going through a major shift in your life, you may have to find new ways of thinking or doing things, or risk failing to reach your full potential.


There are many reasons why you might find yourself craving self-reinvention. Ultimately, it’s a sign that you are seeking change in some area of your life. Being and feeling stuck in life is an awful place to be. When you are stuck, it feels as though you are literally just spinning your wheels in the mud and are running around in circles.

It also feels as though no matter what you do or say, nothing will ever change for the better and you’ll be stuck in a rut forever. If you’re not careful, being stuck in life can magnify the fear, guilt, shame and/or apathy you’re already feeling.

You can become even more stuck than you already are. So rather than doing nothing and allowing yourself to get sucked into a really terrible rabbit hole, let’s explore 10 ways to reinvent yourself so you – and your life – can start to become unstuck.

Reinventing yourself means identifying patterns, values, or activities that no longer serve you and changing them for better options. It can involve external characteristics, like job, hobbies, appearance, relationships, and location. True reinvention also happens inside, in how you think and behave. It will be different for everybody, which is what makes it so powerful.

Life is all about understanding WHO WE ARE and what our PERSONAL BRAND. Then we can communicate to the universe what we want – thus attracting exactly what we deserve and how to achieve it. It takes some soul searching and a few exercises to understand and define your own PERSONAL BRAND.

Do You know YOUR brand? Start asking yourself some simple questions –

What do I like and Why?
Who do I like and Why?
What music rocks my soul?
What music soothes my soul?
When am I the happiest?
What makes me very low?
When was the last time I was the happiest?
How do I like to spend the weekends?
What is it that I dream of doing for vacation?
Where do I want to go?
Do I live for myself or to impress others ?
To live happy life what I want want in life?
What fears me most ? What ways I have to overcome that feeling?
What haven’t I seen in life?
Do I like to write? If so, when did I last do it? Whats the thing I can write instantly ?
Do I sing in the shower? The car? The living room? In front of others?
Doodling – is it with some sophisticated talent? Or does it look geometrical and pattern-like?
What color did I last pick to paint something in my home?
If it weren’t for money, what would I really be doing with my life?
What does life mean to me and what do I want to do with my life ?

How to reinvent yourself

When life starts to feel a little too sticky, try these ways to reinvent yourself:

Focus on the Good – Focusing on what is going well will help you take your mind off what isn’t going so well and will also allow you to get yourself out of your rut quickly. What you focus on magnifies. So you might as well focus on the good stuff.
Change Your Diet – Since 20 – 30 percent of us are obese and as most of the grocery store aisles are packed with processed foods, I think it’s safe to assume that we can all benefit from making healthier choices with our diets.
Clear Out Physical Clutter – Get rid of anything that you no longer like, use or need. Clutter is just stuff that isn’t the best of you so why keep it around? To complicate your life any longer than you have to?
Clear Our Emotional Clutter – It’s easier to deal with physical clutter because you can see it. Therefore, you know it’s there. Emotional clutter is much more difficult because it’s affecting how you think and do everything. Yet often, you’re not even aware of it at all.
Change Up Your Routine – An easy way to get stuck is to get yourself into such a routine that you’re on autopilot all the time. Your life has become so systematized you don’t even need to think about it anymore.
Make Yourself Uncomfortable – People get stuck when they become too comfortable with their lives. We are meant to challenge ourselves! So try to do something each day that takes you slightly outside your comfort zone.
Get Up and Move – Whether it’s your body, mind and/or spirit, get something moving because you cannot resolve your issues with the same energy you created them with. Be open to new ideas and new ways of doing things.
Express Yourself – Paint. Do yoga. Sing. Play an instrument. Write a short story. It doesn’t matter: just get creative and express yourself in some way. This is a great method to get unstuck and reinvent yourself because creativity is just the truth of who you are coming out. It’s safe and healthy, and can be a wonderful new avenue for you to explore.
Take It Slow – When we get stuck, we really want to become unstuck as quickly as possible. What we don’t realize is that sometimes, we get stuck for a reason. When we take the time to look at our lives and how we feel about what’s currently going on, it gives us the ability to make small changes that can often have huge, lasting results.
Create a Vision/Plan of Your Life – Write down what it should look like and feel like. Then, review that plan often. Cut out photos of what your perfect life looks like and paste it to a vision board. Every day, take steps to make those plans a reality and keep going until you actually start to become that vision.

Final Thoughts

If you truly want to learn how to reinvent yourself and live the life you desire, take the advice above and start taking action. It will take time, patience, and plenty of effort to make the change you want happen, but it will be all worth it.

Half the battle of reinvention is knowing where you want to be. If you’re not sure what that looks like, a vision board or brainstorming can help you gain clarity on what you really want out of life.

When you’re ready to reinvent yourself, these tips should provide good guidance. Along the way, you’ll hopefully pick up some great habits to help keep you and your life running smoothly.

Please feel free to share your story and any lessons you learned, experienced, you came across in your life in the comments below. If you enjoyed this or any other posts, I’d be honored if you’d share them with your family, friends, and followers!

If you wish to follow my journey outside of my writing, you can find me on LinkedIn and Facebook


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Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way

Each minute of our life is a lesson but most of us fail to read it. I thought I would just add my daily lessons & the lessons that I learned by seeing the people around here. So it may be useful for you and as memories for me.

Life is not a Race to WIN… Life is like a Journey , to ENJOY every moment. We are running through life so fast that we forget not only where we have been but also where we are going.

There is no reward for completing the race my friend. Please run at your own speed and run how you like it.

Don’t try to run other’s race. It is your own race run how you like it.

Stop worrying about the consequences. Live in the present, share the glory of being a part of this race. No amount of gold, silver or money will or can compensate what you will miss if you try to rush things and miss the very essence of running.

Don’t just run for the sake of running because running is important and not the race!!

Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is special.

Do not set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you.

Do not take for granted the things closest to your heart. Cling to them as you would your life, for without them, life is meaningless.

Do not let your years slip through your fingers by living in the past, nor in the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.

Do not give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Do not be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.

Do not shut love out of your life by saying it is impossible to find. The quickest way to receive love is to give love; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly.

Do not dismiss your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope; to be without hope is to be without purpose.

Do not run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been, but also where you are going.

We have born and brought up in society, where we were prepared to compete with others – your fellow mates and friends. 

The seed had planted when you were at school. The pressure of scoring highest marks, the pressure of performing well in sports, the weight of getting admission into a renown college, getting a good job and again getting into an unhealthy competition at the workplace.

Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.

When you were in college, you wanted a job.

When you got a job in service-based company, You wanted product-based.

When you got 6 LPA package, you wanted 10 LPA.

When you got 15 LPA, You wanted 30 LPA.

When you got 40 LPA CTC, you wanted 40 LPA Fixed.

When you got 50 LPA fixed, You wanted to build a startup.

When you got successful in that, you wanted early retirement.

When you retired early, you wanted unlimited passive income.

When you got everything you ever wanted, You wanted time to enjoy it.

Hence, time is your most valuable asset and it cannot be equated with your earnings. Enjoy your 20s and 30s by both working hard and playing hard. Feel the satisfaction of hitting milestones. The finish line is not really important.

Achieve your own goals ( Not society’s expectations ). You don’t need to prove anything to anyone but yourself.

Nobody is measuring you, they are busy in their lives. You are the only opponent to yourself in this battle.

Running towards the next fulfillment will never be able to find peace in life. It will only lead us distant away from what we’re hoping to feel.

The only way to win the race of life is to realize that, there is no race.

Winning has to be from within us. We need to find happiness within ourselves. True satisfaction can only be observed from inside.

Life is not a race or competition. It’s a journey. Don’t just run after aiming at the finishing line, rather enjoy the ride.

Please feel free to share your story and any lessons you learned, you experienced, you came across in your life in the comments below. If you enjoyed this, or any other other posts, I’d be honoured  if you’d share it with your family, friends and followers!

If you wish to follow my journey outside of my writing, you can find me on Facebook ( Instagram(MunnaPrawin) and Twitter(@munnaprawin1)


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Life is short. Time is fast. No replay. No rewind

Each minute of our life is a lesson but most of us fail to read it. I thought I would just add my daily lessons & the lessons that I learned by seeing the people around here. So it may be useful for you and as memories for me.

Enjoy, enjoy and enjoy. We all have the power to shape our day and our life, so no matter what is happening in our lives we can make the decision to be happy and enjoy every moment . You are here in this world for a short period of time. Therefore, you must enjoy each and every single moment of your life. If you don’t want to enjoy your life then you are no more a living person.

 Life is short. Time is fast. No replay. No rewind. So enjoy every moment as it comes.

 Get up early in the morning. Go for a swift walk. Enjoy listening to the chattering of birds. Enjoy looking at the beautiful colourful IMG_20150103_131635-001flowers. Do some workout/stretching in the nearby park. Fill your lungs with pollution free fresh air. Isn’t it all exciting and enjoyable.

 Enjoy your breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so your breakfast must include a variety of nourishing food such as fruit, juice, milk, bread, cereals, egg, jam, jelly, honey, dried nuts, tea, coffee etc.

 Enjoy your work. Start your work by saying hello to everyone in the office. Pass some positive remarks about your colleagues. Be crazy and make a lively, healthy environment. Enjoy talking to your clients, colleagues, friends and family members. Make every effort to complete your work in time.

 Enjoy every single bite of your lunch. Don’t eat in a haste. Eat in a tension-free and stress-free atmosphere. Don’t eat in a haste. Eat the kind of food that is light on stomach but quite nourishing so that you get the much needed physical as well as emotional energy, during the day.

 After satisfactorily finishing your work, it’s now time to leave office and enjoy. Enjoy your leisure time in the manner you wish to enjoy by involving yourself in activities like reading, writing, studying, swimming, boating, dancing, visiting friends, learning new skills, playing outdoors, playing indoors, watching TV , watching movies, listening to your favourite music, enjoying food in your favourite restaurant, going on long drive, etc.

 Don’t engage yourself in activities that can bring problems to your life. Don’t invite trouble. Live a disease-free, smoke-free, stress-free and drugs-free life. Don’t involve yourself in any criminal activities and don’t do anything that is illegal or immoral.

IMG_20150104_120831692-001 Now and then plan for outings or tours with your family & friends. It helps you in coming out of the normal routine life. Leave all your worries and enjoy every moment like kid

 Difficult times in life come and go but keep your spirits high even in the worst type of crisis. Face challenges of life with courage and a positive state of mind. Take lessons from your past mistakes but don’t feel guilty. Laugh at silly things and enjoy life. Laughter is the best medicine.

 It is my own experience that you get the best kind of enjoyment when you help those who are helpless and look towards you for help. I personally feel great excited when I am able to help such people. There is nothing more enjoyable than enabling other people enjoy their lives. Enjoy your own life and let others enjoy theirs.

You will not live forever, so till you are alive, enjoy every moment of your life from the core of your heart.

Please feel free to share your story and any lessons you learned, you experienced , you came across in your life in the comments below.


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